What Manufacturers Should Know About DEI Training

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The manufacturing industry, a cornerstone of the American economy, is on a journey to create diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces. 

An Introduction

The industry has major potential to show considerable leadership in DEI training, as our diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces across the US proper and grow. In this article, we will take a  Manufacturing Institute and its take on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, as well as DEI training – in the context of our industry, why it’s essential, and benefits, all. 

Commitment to DEI Training

The Manufacturing Institute grows and supports the industry’s skilled workers for the advancement of modern manufacturing. It is at the forefront of promoting DEI initiatives in manufacturing sectors. 

One aim is to make the manufacturing workforce more reflective of diverse communities. This isn’t about rhetoric–it’s about identifying and addressing barriers that hinder the creation of a more sustainable workforce through a range of educational and practical resources. 

Why DEI Training Matters

This training is essential in manufacturing because it helps create a stronger, more inclusive workforce.

Stronger Manufacturing Workforce

When individuals from diverse backgrounds are part of a team, they bring unique perspectives and ideas to the table. From all backgrounds and walks off life. This diversity of thought can lead to more innovative solutions, improved problem-solving, and ultimately, greater success for manufacturing companies.

Attracting and Retaining Talent

The manufacturing industry faces a challenge in attracting and retaining top talent. These training initiatives are a vital tool in addressing this issue. When a workplace is known for its commitment to diversity and inclusion, it can become a more attractive destination for a broad range of job seekers. This not only helps companies in recruiting but also in retaining their talent, as diverse and inclusive workplaces are more likely to have high employee satisfaction and lower turnover rates. This can result in higher morale and innovation. 

Addressing Systemic Barriers

DEI training can be crucial for identifying and addressing systemic barriers that may be hindering opportunities for underrepresented communities in manufacturing. By understanding these issues and taking specific actions, manufacturing leaders can make strides in closing the opportunity gap – and the skills gap.

Promoting Inclusive Culture

Manufacturing companies that invest in these types of training are not only focusing on numbers and statistics but are also promoting a culture of inclusivity. Inclusive cultures are characterized by respect for all employees, regardless of their background, and this contributes to a more positive and productive work environment.

Fostering Industry Growth

A more diverse and inclusive manufacturing industry can lead to overall industry growth. By tapping into a wider talent pool and promoting equitable practices, manufacturers can boost their capacity to innovate, expand their markets, and adapt to changing customer needs.

Amplifying Best Practices

One of the Manufacturing Institute’s key roles is to amplify best practices for DEI in the sector. These best practices can serve as a guide for manufacturers looking to enhance their diversity and inclusion efforts. Learning from others who have successfully implemented DEI initiatives can be invaluable.

Training That Goes Hand in Hand with DEI

DEI training is a pivotal aspect of fostering an inclusive manufacturing workforce. However, the path to a more equitable and diverse workplace doesn’t stop there. To empower manufacturing professionals and create a thriving, forward-thinking industry, all essential training components must be taken under consideration.

Here are some additional types of training that coincide, helping to shape a manufacturing workforce that is prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Skills Development Training

As the manufacturing landscape evolves, so do the skills required by its workforce. Skill development training is a critical component that coincides, naturally, with DEI training. It’s imperative to equip manufacturing professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the demands of an increasingly complex and technologically advanced industry.

Technical Skills Training

Manufacturing processes are becoming more automated and reliant on advanced technologies. Workers must be proficient in operating and troubleshooting these systems. Technical skills training ensures that employees can adapt to new technologies and processes, which ultimately leads to increased productivity and job security.

Soft Skills Training

In addition to technical expertise, soft skills are equally important in a diverse and inclusive workplace. Soft skills training encompasses communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are crucial for building strong relationships among colleagues and for creating an inclusive atmosphere where diverse perspectives are valued.


Cross-training is a strategy that allows employees to gain skills and knowledge outside of their primary job responsibilities. This can be particularly beneficial for the industry, where versatile employees can adapt to changing work environments and fill multiple roles, contributing to greater flexibility and efficiency.

Safety Training

Workplace safety is a fundamental aspect of the manufacturing industry. Safety training is not only legally required but is essential for maintaining the well-being of employees and protecting the company from liability. DE&I and safety training should go hand in hand to ensure that all employees, regardless of their background, are informed and protected.

Hazardous Materials Training

Manufacturing often involves working with hazardous materials, and employees must be well-versed in handling, storing, and disposing of these materials safely. Hazardous materials training is an integral part of creating a secure work environment.

Machine Safety Training

Manufacturing plants are filled with machines and equipment that can pose significant risks. Machine safety training ensures that all employees know how to operate equipment safely and are aware of the potential dangers associated with their operation.

Emergency Response Training

In case of an accident or unexpected event, employees should be trained in emergency response protocols. This includes knowing how to use safety equipment, evacuate the premises, and administer first aid. DE&I training is incomplete without ensuring that everyone has equal access to this vital knowledge.

Leadership and Management Training

Effective leadership and management are crucial for maintaining a harmonious and productive manufacturing environment. Leadership training equips managers and supervisors with the skills to lead diverse teams effectively, fostering a workplace that is both inclusive and efficient.

Conflict Resolution and Mediation

In a diverse workforce, conflicts may arise. Conflict resolution and mediation training prepares leaders to address disputes in a fair and unbiased manner, helping to maintain a harmonious work environment.

Performance Management

Performance management training is essential to ensure that employees are evaluated fairly and objectively. Managers should be trained to provide constructive feedback and set performance goals that are both challenging and attainable.

Compliance and Regulatory Training

Manufacturing is subject to numerous regulations and standards, both at the federal and state levels. Compliance and regulatory training is necessary to ensure that the organization operates within the bounds of the law.

Environmental Compliance

Manufacturers often need to adhere to environmental regulations, such as emissions standards and waste disposal guidelines. Environmental compliance training is essential to prevent violations and minimize the environmental impact of manufacturing processes.

Health and Safety Regulations

Health and safety regulations vary by industry and location. Training employees to understand and comply with these regulations is critical for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

Employment Law

Training in employment law helps organizations and employees understand their rights and responsibilities in the workplace. It is particularly relevant in the context of DE&I to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and equitably.

Sustainability Training

Sustainability is a growing concern in the manufacturing industry. Sustainability training focuses on reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing processes and products. This type of training aligns with DE&I training by fostering a shared commitment to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Resource Efficiency, Sustainability

Resource efficiency training educates employees on how to minimize waste, conserve resources, and reduce energy consumption in manufacturing processes.

Sustainable product design training encourages the development of eco-friendly products that align with consumer demands for sustainability.

The circular economy is an emerging concept in manufacturing, emphasizing the recycling and reuse of materials. Training in circular economy principles equips employees to contribute to a more sustainable manufacturing industry.

Advancing the Data, Research

A commitment to advancing DEI research and training is a critical part of its efforts. By gathering insights, experiences, and plans from experts in the field, as well as studying upskilling strategies, they are providing manufacturing industry players with a wealth of knowledge to draw upon. This research is instrumental in helping manufacturers tailor their efforts effectively.

A data-driven approach to understand current industry policies is key. By collecting data from manufacturers across the country, a baseline for current practices and attitudes regarding topics such as hiring, diversity-related reporting, and employee resources can help inform decision making. These type of data provides a starting point for manufacturers to assess their own practices and make informed changes, take action steps.


Commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce in the manufacturing industry is more than merely a commendable goal. DEI training is one of the keys to breaking down barriers to attracting and retaining talent, fostering industry growth, etc. 

Advancing research and amplifying best practices is bringing manufacturers closer to achieving these objectives. As the Manufacturing Institute highlights strides in industry, as it strives to reflect the diversity of the U.S. workforce by 2030, it’s clear that DEI training initiatives will be vital for the industry’s success, and also for advancing our nation’s highest ideals. 

Through these efforts, our manufacturing sector’s place as a cornerstone of the American economy will be secured, while ensuring equal opportunity for what future prosperity could look like – for all. 

At Manufacturer’s Edge, we collaborate with manufacturers in Colorado and beyond – linking them to integral resources including business assessments, training opportunities and other resources to reach a new level, new heights. Contact us to learn more.